Bald Eagle Facts

America’s most iconic animal, the bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), has been the symbol of the United States since 1782. These powerful and graceful birds inspire both awe and admiration. They are not actually bald. The name comes from an Old English word “balde” which means white, used to describe the bird's head. The white head appears striking against its dark brown body. Interested to know more about these majestic creatures? Here are a few more facts about them. Bald eagles are large

Emperor Penguin Facts

Much of what we’ve learned about emperor penguins from the movie Happy Feet is true. They live in large colonies composed of thousands of penguins, they are great divers (able to dive longer and deeper than any other penguin), and a female will leave the egg with the male before setting out to hunt for food. The male will then incubate the egg for around 65 to 75 days until it hatches. But they don’t tap dance and sing like that in real life. Instead, they make loud calls to identify each other

Mountain Lion Facts

These fascinating creatures inspire both fear and awe. They roam the mountains of the Americas, stealthily stalking their prey before finding the perfect opportunity to pounce. Mountain lions are fast and powerful with distinctly muscular bodies, sharp eyesight, and keen hearing. This predator can swim, climb trees, and jump over long distances, making them an adept hunter. Here are more interesting facts about the mountain lion. Mountain lions are carnivorous mammals that go by many names. Th

Meerkat Facts

There’s a lot to learn from these quirky little animals about teamwork and strategy. The way they protect each other and work as a team has fascinated many people. They might have been portrayed differently in Hollywood though, especially in Disney’s The Lion King. In case you’re wondering, no, meerkats don’t really travel around with a warthog. Instead, in real-life they prefer to stay among the company of their own—keeping a tight-knit group with members that perform specific tasks. Here are

What Animals Live In South America?

South America is home to a vast array of species endemic to the region. From giant reptiles to carnivorous fish, this side of the world has plenty of one-of-a-kind fauna to keep biologists mesmerized. Many of these can’t be found elsewhere and are specially adapted to the hot and humid climate in the region. Some of them are very iconic and well known (with movies made about them, even!), while others remain rare and unknown to some people. Here are ten of the most fascinating animals you’ll fi

What Do Koalas Eat?

One of Australia’s most iconic animals is known the world over for their cute faces and soft fur. But what may come as a surprise is that these gentle creatures are among the only few who can safely consume leaves that are toxic to many animals. Their diet is composed mainly of eucalyptus leaves from eucalyptus trees commonly called gum trees. They grow in tropical and temperate environments in the southern hemisphere. Numerous varieties of eucalyptus trees are found in Australia. However, koal

Which Animals Have The Strongest Sense Of Smell?

Humans may be the most intelligent creatures to walk the Earth but other members of the animal kingdom shouldn’t be underestimated. Thousands of years of evolution have given them uncanny abilities that allowed their species to survive. These abilities allowed them to hunt for food, avoid predators, or find a mate to ensure the perpetuation of their species. Among the most interesting abilities developed by some animals is a superb sense of smell. These super sniffers use their noses to smell a

The Worst Performing Countries In Wildlife Conservation

Many countries simply get it right. They know that our survival depends on the survival of other plants and animals we share this planet with. To safeguard our existence, they know we must work to preserve natural habitats and protect biodiversity. The elimination and mere reduction in the population of just one species of animal could disrupt nature’s balance, cause changes in the environment, and possibly disrupt our food sources among other things. This is why part of the obligation of human

Which Countries Are The Best In Wildlife Conservation?

Some countries simply get it right. They understand that we don't own the world we live in and we are sharing the planet with other occupants. They know that wildlife conservation isn't just an ethical discourse but a necessary step to ensuring human being's survival. They are aware that our actions can endanger other species and push them to extinction. The latter will alter the ecosystem's balance thereby affecting our food sources, our habitat, and in the end the survival of humankind. A stu

10 Reddest Animals And Birds In The World

Forests around the world are teeming with fauna in different colors. While some use shades like brown and green as a camouflage to blend with the surroundings to hide from predators, others use bright, vibrant hues to attract a mate or possibly warn other animals. According to the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), some animals use bright vibrant colors to warn others that they pack venom or poison. “Many different animal species use bright colors and patterns to advertise the fact that

Indonesia's Most Iconic Wild Animals That You Must See

Indonesia, the world’s largest archipelago, is home to many magnificent animals that are endemic to South East Asia. Sadly, most of them are teetering on the brink of extinction, with only a few species living in the wild today. Some like the Javan rhino can be found in the Ujung Kulon National Park while others like the Komodo dragon and the babirusa can be spotted in some of the country’s 17,500 islands. If you’re interested to know more about the majestic animals that call Indonesia their ho

The Whitest Animals In The World

Who says white is boring? These animals might make it seem like nature ran out of ink, but they also look like an artist’s beautiful blank canvas. In many cultures across the world, white symbolizes purity, cleanliness, or innocence. In nature, most white animals use their color as a camouflage in the snow to either hide from predators or by predators to blend in the snow so they can catch prey. Here are ten of the most beautiful all-white animals in nature. These majestic white birds look even

Ways In Which Climate Change Will Affect America

Climate change has been part of the political and environmental discourse for many decades. Yet, many remain unconvinced of its looming threat even with evidence of its devastating effects in modern-day life. Extreme unpredictable weather that has brought about destructive hurricanes, snowstorms, floods, and drought in different parts of the world is believed to be a direct result of climate change. Its effects in America cannot be denied and scientists predict that climate change’s impacts on t

What Factors Are Responsible For Triggering Famines?

According to Oxfam America, a global advocacy group dedicated to helping local organizations tackle poverty and The Famine Early Warning Systems Network famine is a situation where one in five households experience “an extreme lack of food and other basic needs where starvation, death, and destitution are evident." During this period, people die not just of hunger but because of infectious diseases brought about by the deficiency in vitamins and minerals due to the lack of proper sustenance and

Fascinating Animals That Live In Mangrove Forests

Mangroves are coastal trees that thrive in hot, humid, weather with roots submerged in a muddy mix of soil or sand and saltwater. They thrive along shores and estuaries of tropical and subtropical areas like those in Indonesia, Brazil, Malaysia, India, Panama, and Florida in the US. A group of them living together in one area is called a mangrove forest. These forests make up one of the world’s most biologically diverse ecosystems. They provide habitat for thousands of species—from fish and moll

Ways In Which Tourism Contributes To Pollution

While it is generally believed that tourism is a strong economic driver that forms an integral part of a country’s economic backbone, many environmentalists are realizing its detrimental effects on the environment. With thousands of tourists flocking historic sites, beaches, and other places of interest, numerous environmental organizations are noticing the significant amount of waste and pollution visitors often leave behind. If not carefully planned by tourism industry stakeholders and not mad

Ways In Which Climate Change Will Affect America

Climate change has been part of the political and environmental discourse for many decades. Yet, many remain unconvinced of its looming threat even with evidence of its devastating effects in modern-day life. Extreme unpredictable weather that has brought about destructive hurricanes, snowstorms, floods, and drought in different parts of the world is believed to be a direct result of climate change. Its effects in America cannot be denied and scientists predict that climate change’s impacts on t

10 Of The Greatest Threats To Human Life Around The World Today

Now more than ever we are seeing how fragile mankind’s existence can be. Humans all over the world are so interconnected, each one’s actions can have a ripple effect with consequences that can cascade globally. These consequences may become so catastrophic, that according to scientists, it can eventually lead to humankind’s extinction. While many doomsday scenarios in popular culture may seem out of touch, this doesn't mean that there are no real threats to humanity’s existence. According to th

The Official Flowers In Each US State

Each US state has an official state flower. These were carefully chosen to represent a state’s spirit and its people’s character. While some are endemic to each state, others have been imported from elsewhere. A flower does not have to be native to the land to be nominated, while most of these flowers have been growing in these areas since people can remember, some of the current state flowers did not even originate in the US. These are plants that were simply brought to the US, thrived well in